Please keep in mind our rules and regulations when purchasing your child's uniform. Here is a summary:
Wearing uniforms establishes a leveled playing field for all students while they also develop a greater sense of equality. They identify each other as members of the same learning community and reinforce unity and teamwork. At Dorado Academy, every student is to be in full uniform every day. It is the responsibility of the parent/student to see that the uniform is clean and in good condition.
Our students are expected to dress modestly and act correctly at all times, especially when wearing the school uniform (in or out of campus during official school activities), since they are representing Dorado Academy, and embody the character of the school.
All uniforms must be the officially authorized school uniform with the Dorado Academy logo from Olimac Uniforms. No other uniform will be permitted to be worn to school.
Every student is to be in complete uniform every day. It is the responsibility of the parent/student to see that the uniform is clean and in good condition. Periodically there will be a check on personal appearance and uniforms.
Any student that attends school with part or no uniform must bring a written excuse from parents. Otherwise, the student will not be permitted to enter the school.
We have changed our Physical Education Uniform based on the students' feedback. The t-shirt will now be made of dry-fit material, and the pants will be made of a softer, breathable fabric for better comfort and movement.