Following last week’s Fire Drill, came time for the earthquake and tsunami simulations
Like in previous years, we synchronize our simulation exercise with the national exercise organized by the Puerto Rico Seismic Network (PRSN) Tsunami exercise called CaribeWave 2018. The objective of the CARIBEWAVE exercise is to test and evaluate the operations of the Caribbean Emergency Warning System (Caribbean EWS), to validate the preparation of the tsunami response (among which is the testing of the protocols and communication systems between the centers tsunami warning and warning focal points), as well as assisting tsunami preparedness efforts of Caribbean emergency management agencies.
The Dorado Academy Emergency Team (DAET) staff will be observing in each room that they follow the commands of DROP! COVER! HOLD ON!
Our exercise began with tsunami orientations and a video presentation targeted by age to the corresponding levels. Then the earthquake orientation followed. After this, the earthquake event alarm is activated and the Dorado Academy Emergency Team (DAET) staff will be observing in each room that they follow the commands of DROP! COVER! HOLD ON! The earthquake simulation exercise begins in the classroom and, for now, the school is not being evicted.
After a few minutes, the tsunami alarm is activated and the students begin the evacuation protocol that instructs them to exit the school much in the same manner as in the Fire Drill but they will follow the group leaders up the Madre Perla street until they reach the community basketball court at the entrance of Dorado del Mar. We’re so proud of our students for another year of a well-organized and directed exercise.